About Us
Baby Love Confinement Center(BLCC) founded by a team of medical professionals, including Obstetrician, Pediatrician alongside other allied health providers consisting of experienced & qualified Nurses, BLCC aspires to deliver the most complete postpartum/postnatal care experience to the community.

Our Services
BLCC is where you will find the broadest spectrum of postnatal services and support. Our modern facilities and professional team will be with you every step of the way. We complements traditional confinement practice with full modern medical expertise, to provide a safe and evidence-based confinement service to the mummies and babies.

24 Hours Nursing Care
Registered Nurse with License
(Proper care / identify abnormal condition of mother and baby)
O&G Consultant Visits
Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist,
from Oriental Melaka Straits Medical Centre

Peadiatrician Visits
Consultant Paediatrician from Oriental Melaka Straits Medical Centre

Opening Hours
Our Doors Are Open
Monday - Sunday
10:00am - 5:30pm